Posts from June 2020

Posts from June 2020


In these troubling times, as in many times past, we may find ourselves wondering:  “Where will it all end?”    St. Paul famously said this:  “We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God, for those who are called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28  EHV). It is doubtful that you and I would believe these words if God Himself had not caused them to be written down in the Bible.  As the years…


An old man named John wrote it down in a little letter years later:  “We have heard…we have seen…we have observed….our hands have touched.”   Those days long ago scroll across the old man’s memory.  He was a young man then, maybe all of nineteen.  He was hanging on the words of a rugged preacher named John the Baptist on that day when Jesus came in sight of the Jordan River.   “Look!”  said the preacher, pointing at Jesus, “The Lamb of…


In the verses before us today, Jesus says:  “If you remain in My word, you are really My disciples.  You will also know the truth, and the truth will set you free”  (John 8:31-32 EHV).  This includes the truth of the Holy Trinity.  For a lot of folks the name Athanasius may not ring a bell.  But we Christians owe the man a great deal.    In the early centuries of the Church, a fellow named Arius, along with others,…