Scriptural Principles of Stewardship
The Bible reminds believers that supporting the work of spreading the gospel at home and around the world is a privilege motivated by love for Him who first loved us. The Bible teaches that without faith in Christ, it is impossible to please God.
Such giving is part of our worship, no less than hearing God’s Word, singing a hymn or saying a prayer. Like all worship, such giving is regular, proportionate to how God has blessed us, and cheerful from a heart of faith. The wise use of other resources God has given us will always be in addition to and not in place of our regular offerings.
Here are some other resources which can be channeled to the support of St. Paul’s if you so desire.
RAISERight GIFT CARDS (formerly ShopWithScrip)
Orders are due the 15th of every month for physical gift cards
Instead of paying for everyday purchases with cash or credit cards, families order gift cards and use those for their shopping instead. Every gift card has a rebate on them, anywhere from 2 to 16%, which will go directly towards your tuition costs or our St. Paul’s School discretionary fund when families purchase the cards at face value.
Scrip Order Form or order online @
Email Questions:
Website: OR St. Paul’s Scrip Page.
Enrollment Code: Please email for the enrollment code for online ordering!
Every “clipped” Box Top earns 10¢. Every quarter, the winning classroom also receives a free pizza party.
Above is the link to apply for an action plan. You can do two per year for a total of $500/person.
1) Click my link above and hit apply now on the bottom right
2) Put in your username and password
3) Verify your identity
4) On the right-hand side, there is a link that says “Apply now” click that
5) Click Begin Project Application at the bottom of the page in red
6) Type in the date you will be using the money and the name of the volunteer event
7) Click the bubble of what type of project you are doing
8) Click how you heard about Action Plans through Thrivent
9) Describe the project you will be doing. Remember money can not be applied specifically for something. For example, if you want to buy the school new computers you could not take the money and go to Best Buy to buy the computers but you can use the money to buy supplies to hold a fundraiser to raise money for the computers.
10) Tell them what you will use the money for
11) Click the categories that will be impacted by your project
12) Click if this is in relation to a church and put the church name if it is
13) Click if this project is associated with a specific organization
14) Type in how many volunteers you will have and if you want free t-shirts
15) They will list supplies on the next page that are free. Click if you need any of them to help with your event
16) Confirm your contact info
17) Put in your address for where they should mail your money/items
18) Review, click agree to terms and then hit send
Thrivent reviews your request and if approved it and you should get your supplies/money in two-ish weeks. when you get your gift card activate it right away and you are ready to spend your $250.