Sermons on 1 Corinthians

Sermons on 1 Corinthians

1 Corinthians 9:7-12, 19-23 – A Selfless Sacrifice of Service

WELCOME TO WORSHIP In the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ, we welcome you to St. Paul’s. We especially welcome our guests who have joined us today. We pray that your soul will be strengthened by the good news of God’s forgiveness through Jesus.  PRAYER IN PREPARATION FOR TODAY’S WORSHIP Lord Jesus, you have called me to share the gospel and to show its light through my love for my neighbor. Forgive me for the times I focus on myself and fail…

1 Corinthians 2:6-16 – Only One Wisdom Leads to GLory

WELCOME TO WORSHIP In the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ, we welcome you to St. Paul’s. We especially welcome our guests who have joined us today. We pray that your soul will be strengthened by the good news of God’s forgiveness through Jesus.  PRAYER IN PREPARATION FOR TODAY’S WORSHIP Lord Jesus, no matter what food I eat—no matter how healthy it is—I will still die. Enlighten my mind by your Holy Spirit and through your gospel that I can eat the…

1 Corinthians 15:19-26 – As in Adam, So Also in Christ

WELCOME TO WORSHIP In the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ, we welcome you to St. Paul’s. We especially welcome our guests who have joined us today. We pray that your soul will be strengthened by the good news of God’s forgiveness through Jesus.  PRAYER IN PREPARATION FOR TODAY’S WORSHIP Lord God Almighty, I have no reason to fear death thanks to you and the Savior you sent for me. Let me hear your proclamation and proof today that Jesus Christ has…

1 Corinthians 10:16-17 – I Want to Partake Of…

WELCOME TO WORSHIP In the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ, we welcome you to St. Paul’s. We especially welcome our guests who have joined us today. We pray that your soul will be strengthened by the good news of God’s forgiveness through Jesus.  WHAT IS MAUNDY THURSDAY? Maundy Thursday receives its name from the Latin phrase novum mandatum, which means, “new command.” It refers to Jesus’ words which he spoke to his disciples on this night, “A new command I give…

1 Corinthians 12:3-11 – With the Spirit, It’s the same

WELCOME TO WORSHIP In the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ, we welcome you to St. Paul’s. We especially welcome our guests who have joined us today. We pray that your soul will be strengthened by the good news of God’s forgiveness through Jesus.  PRAYER IN PREPARATION FOR TODAY’S WORSHIP Spirit of Life, though I do not see you, open my eyes to your work today. Refresh me in the fact that you were poured out on the church on that Day…

1 Corinthians 1:26-31 – We Can Boast

WELCOME TO WORSHIP In the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ, we welcome you to St. Paul’s. We especially welcome our guests who have joined us today. We pray that your soul will be strengthened by the good news of God’s forgiveness through Jesus.  PRAYER IN PREPARATION FOR TODAY’S WORSHIP Lord Jesus, as I just celebrated your appearance and your calling of your first disciples, now I celebrate you teaching your disciples—and me—what it means to be your disciple. Bless my listening…

1 Corinthians 13:1-13 – Love is Jesus-ly

WELCOME TO WORSHIP In the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ, we welcome you to St. Paul’s. We especially welcome our guests who have joined us today. We pray that your soul will be strengthened by the good news of God’s forgiveness through Jesus.  PRAYER IN PREPARATION FOR TODAY’S WORSHIP Gracious Savior, help me reflect your selfless love. I know I do not show the same love of others that you command in your Word, and instead I seek to glorify myself…

1 Corinthians 15:1-11 – Why am I Here?

WELCOME TO WORSHIP In the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ, we welcome you to St. Paul’s. We especially welcome our guests who have joined us today. We pray that your soul will be strengthened by the good news of God’s forgiveness through Jesus.  PRAYER IN PREPARATION FOR TODAY’S WORSHIP Triumphant Lord, today I praise you for conquering sin and death for me. Lead me to leave my doubt behind in the empty tomb and to trust in your victory over all…

Matthew 26:20-30; Mark 14:17-26; Luke 22:14-23; 1 Corinthians 11:23-29 – The Three Unions in Holy Communion

WELCOME TO WORSHIP In the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ, we welcome you to St. Paul’s. We especially welcome our guests who have joined us today. We pray that your soul will be strengthened by the good news of God’s forgiveness through Jesus.  WHAT IS MAUNDY THURSDAY? Maundy Thursday receives its name from the Latin phrase novum mandatum, which means, “new command.” It refers to Jesus’ words which he spoke to his disciples on this night, “A new command I give…

1 Corinthians 1:18-25 – God’s Folly is Our Power

PRAYER IN PREPARATION FOR TODAY’S WORSHIP Almighty God, I have no other Savior but you. This morning crush my pride and my self-righteous confidence so I can see that I cannot save myself. And when my sins weigh me down and I feel utterly lost, open my mind and heart once again to your message of grace in Jesus. Strengthen my trust in his work on my behalf as I worship you. In his name I pray. Amen.  OPENING HYMN Today…

1 Corinthians 10:1-5, 11-13 – Stand on God’s Faithfulness

WELCOME TO WORSHIP In the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ, we welcome you to St. Paul’s. We especially welcome our guests who have joined us today. We pray that your soul will be strengthened by the good news of God’s forgiveness through Jesus.  TODAY’S WORSHIP THEME Last week we saw that God provides us with earthly blessings so we ourselves can become a blessing to those around us. This week we remind ourselves of the dangers that can come with those…

1 Corinthians 15:55-57 – Peace!

Click the Save button above to download today’s bulletin which includes Scripture lessons. If Full screen is not working on the video player above, try visiting this link: GOSPEL: John 20:1-9 GOSPEL: John 20: 10-18 HYMN: Morning Breaks Upon the Tomb …………………………………………………… 159 HYMN #149Prayer of the DayFIRST LESSON: Isaiah 12:1-6 PSALM OF THE DAY: Psalm 30 SECOND LESSON: 1 Corinthians 15: 51-57 HYMN OF THE DAY: #163SERMON 1 CORINTHIANS 15:55-57 – PEACE! CONFESSION OF FAITH: Augsburg Confession : ARTICLE III. [THE SON OF GOD] OFFERING PRAYER OF THE CHURCH LORD’S PRAYER HYMN #152PRAYER FOR…