Sermons by Rev. Bill Bader

Sermons by Rev. Bill Bader

Acts 12:1-19 – Our Risen Savior Opens Doors

Click the Save button above to download today’s bulletin which includes Scripture lessons. If Full screen is not working on the video player above, try visiting this link: Hymn #525 vs 1-3CONFESSION OF SINS Prayer and Praise OH, TASTE AND SEE PRAYER OF THE DAY THE WORD FIRST LESSON Acts 4:23-33 PSALM OF THE DAY PSALM 23 SECOND LESSON 1 John 3:1-2 VERSE OF THE DAY GOSPEL John 10: 11-18 Hymn #375SERMON: Acts 12:1-19 OUR RISEN SAVIOR OPENS DOORS APOSTLES’ CREED THANKSGIVING OFFERING (Thank you all who have mailed, dropped off or electronically given…

Job 7:1-7 – God Has the Answer

Click the Save button above to download today’s bulletin which includes Scripture lessons. If Full screen is not working on the video player above, try visiting this link: OPENING HYMN #110INVOCATION CONFESSION OF SINS LORD, HAVE MERCY Kyrie PRAYER OF THE DAY THE WORD FIRST LESSON Jeremiah 31: 31-34 PSALM OF THE DAY PSALM 143 SECOND LESSON Hebrews 5:7-9 VERSE OF THE DAY GOSPEL John 12:20-33 HYMN OF THE DAY #110SERMON: Job 7:1-7 GOD HAS THE ANSWER Nicene Creed OFFERING (Thank you all who have mailed, dropped off or electronically given your gifts to our…