Sermons from March 2023
John 12:1-11 – His Final Steps Led to a Dinner Celebration
WELCOME TO WORSHIP In the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ, we welcome you to St. Paul’s. We especially welcome our guests who have joined us today. We pray that your soul will be strengthened by the good news of God’s forgiveness through Jesus. THE SEASON OF LENT The word Lent comes from an Old English word for Spring (“lengten,” the time of the year when the days grow longer). For the last 1700 years, the Church has set aside the 40…
2 Kings 4:17-37 – God Is the Lord of Life
WELCOME TO WORSHIP In the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ, we welcome you to St. Paul’s. We especially welcome our guests who have joined us today. We pray that your soul will be strengthened by the good news of God’s forgiveness through Jesus. PRAYER IN PREPARATION FOR TODAY’S WORSHIP Lord Jesus, death is all around me. I face death all day long—and not just physical death but the prospect of spiritual death. Today show me your power over death. Let your…
John 11:1-7, 11-15, 20-27, 32-33, 38-53 – His Final Steps Led to a Tomb
THE SEASON OF LENT The word Lent comes from an Old English word for Spring (“lengten,” the time of the year when the days grow longer). For the last 1700 years, the Church has set aside the 40 days between Ash Wednesday and Easter as a time of special preparation. It is a time of repentance and renewal. During Lent, our rejoicing is muted as we remember our Lord’s suffering and death. But it is with a purpose: we know that…
Isaiah 42:14-21 – Hear and Listen! Look and See!
WELCOME TO WORSHIP In the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ, we welcome you to St. Paul’s. We especially welcome our guests who have joined us today. We pray that your soul will be strengthened by the good news of God’s forgiveness through Jesus. PRAYER IN PREPARATION FOR TODAY’S WORSHIP Lord Jesus, when I was spiritually blind and wandering in darkness, you opened my spiritual eyes to your grace. Forgive me for the times I still struggle to open my eyes to…
Luke 20:9-19 – His Finals Steps Led to His Enemies
WELCOME TO WORSHIP In the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ, we welcome you to St. Paul’s. We especially welcome our guests who have joined us today. We pray that your soul will be strengthened by the good news of God’s forgiveness through Jesus. THE SEASON OF LENT The word Lent comes from an Old English word for Spring (“lengten,” the time of the year when the days grow longer). For the last 1700 years, the Church has set aside the 40…
Romans 5:1-8 – Hope for the Helpless
WELCOME TO WORSHIP In the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ, we welcome you to St. Paul’s. We especially welcome our guests who have joined us today. We pray that your soul will be strengthened by the good news of God’s forgiveness through Jesus. PRAYER IN PREPARATION FOR TODAY’S WORSHIP “My soul thirsts for God.” Lord, I echo the psalmist. I long for your grace, your glory, and your peace. Lift up my spirit today and quench my spiritual thirst. Pour your…
John 12:20-33 – His Final Steps Led to Some Greeks
WELCOME TO WORSHIP In the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ, we welcome you to St. Paul’s. We especially welcome our guests who have joined us today. We pray that your soul will be strengthened by the good news of God’s forgiveness through Jesus. THE SEASON OF LENT The word Lent comes from an Old English word for Spring (“lengten,” the time of the year when the days grow longer). For the last 1700 years, the Church has set aside the 40…
Genesis 12:1-8 – Blessed by God’s Promises
WELCOME TO WORSHIP In the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ, we welcome you to St. Paul’s. We especially welcome our guests who have joined us today. We pray that your soul will be strengthened by the good news of God’s forgiveness through Jesus. PRAYER IN PREPARATION FOR TODAY’S WORSHIP God of the universe, I am in need of salvation. I am a sinner who deserves nothing good from you, and I often convince myself I can earn your favor. Open my…
Matthew 21:12-17 – His Final Steps Led to His Father’s House
WELCOME TO WORSHIP In the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ, we welcome you to St. Paul’s. We especially welcome our guests who have joined us today. We pray that your soul will be strengthened by the good news of God’s forgiveness through Jesus. THE SEASON OF LENT The word Lent comes from an Old English word for Spring (“lengten,” the time of the year when the days grow longer). For the last 1700 years, the Church has set aside the 40…