Sermons from April 2024
John 15:1-8 – Remain in the Life-giving Vine
WELCOME TO WORSHIP In the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ, we welcome you to St. Paul’s. We especially welcome our guests who have joined us today. We pray that your soul will be strengthened by the good news of God’s forgiveness through Jesus. PRAYER IN PREPARATION FOR TODAY’S WORSHIP Living Lord, bless my worship today. Refresh in me an active faith that seeks to glorify you and the Father above all things. Help me see the areas of my life and…
John 10:11-18 – He’s Not Just the Good Shepherd
WELCOME TO WORSHIP In the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ, we welcome you to St. Paul’s. We especially welcome our guests who have joined us today. We pray that your soul will be strengthened by the good news of God’s forgiveness through Jesus. PRAYER IN PREPARATION FOR TODAY’S WORSHIP Good Shepherd, you lead me and guide me with your loving Word and by your overflowing grace. Open my ears this morning to your voice, and bless my worship of you and…
Luke 24:36-49 – You Are Witnesses of These THings
WELCOME TO WORSHIP In the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ, we welcome you to St. Paul’s. We especially welcome our guests who have joined us today. We pray that your soul will be strengthened by the good news of God’s forgiveness through Jesus. PRAYER IN PREPARATION FOR TODAY’S WORSHIP Holy Spirit, I often forget how meaningful the message you empower truly is. I can often view the message and proof of Jesus’ resurrection as stale, empty, or even unbelievable. Reveal the…
John 20:19-31 – You HAve Not Seen, But…
WELCOME TO WORSHIP In the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ, we welcome you to St. Paul’s. We especially welcome our guests who have joined us today. We pray that your soul will be strengthened by the good news of God’s forgiveness through Jesus. PRAYER IN PREPARATION FOR TODAY’S WORSHIP Lord God, I can be slow to believe that your Son truly rose from the dead and what it means for my relationship with you. Remind me today of the proof he…