Opening Hymn – 1st Service: 581
2nd Service: Grades 3-8 – “Seek Ye First”
Liturgy – Page 38 “Service of the Word” in its entirety (front of hymnal)
Scripture Readings: Genesis 49; Psalm 119:103-104
2 Peter 1:16-21; Matthew 11:25-30
(“Verse of the Day” response after Epistle & Response After Gospel – Page 40)
[Old Testament Lesson from NIV ’84; Epistle & Gospel from EHV]
Hymn – 281
The Apostles’ Creed After Sermon (Page 41 – front of hymnal)
Offering – Prayers – Lord’s Prayer
Hymn – 291
Closing Prayer & Benediction (Pages 43-44)
Closing Hymn – 279
WITH THE LORD – Michael Havens passed away on Friday, February 15 at the age of 68. Funeral services were this past Friday at the church. Flowers are placed in his memory.
IN MEMORY of Mary Manke, $100.00 has been given to the General Fund.
AT THE DOOR – NEW USHER SCHEDULES Annual Report & Meditations
OUR CHURCH AND SCHOOL WEBSITE is being updated. Check it out at
THANKS! to the hard-working souls who have been keeping the walks clear and to the faithful ladies who have been serving at the many funeral luncheons recently, and to the ushers and organists.
A CONTACT LADY from St. Paul’s for the Lutheran Women’s Missionary Society is needed. The volunteer position simply involves sharing information about LWMS and attending occasional LWMS rallies locally as able. One need not be a member of our Ladies Aid to do this. For more information, contact Letha Noth at 486-2517.
LOOKING AHEAD TO LENT The Lenten season in 2019 begins on Ash Wednesday, March 6. There will again be two opportunities to worship on each of the six Wednesdays of Lent – 9:00 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. Please plan to join us!
It’s not too early to start considering the enrollment of your children for the 2019 – 2020 school year at St. Paul’s Ev. Lutheran School. Our teachers are happy to talk with you. For more information call our school at 486-2641.
Another opportunity to bring your children to the feet of Jesus is our weekly Sunday School at St. Paul’s School (9:10 – 9:50 a.m. each Sunday).