James 5:13-20 – FAITH’S PRAYER

James 5:13-20 – FAITH’S PRAYER

Opening Hymn – 1st Service: 4
2nd Service: Grades 6-8: “Baby In A Manger”
Liturgy – Page 15 (front of hymnal)
Scripture Readings: 1 Kings 17:1-6; 18:41-46; Psalm 50:14-15;
James 5:13-20; Matthew 7:7-11
[Old Testament Lesson from NIV ’84; Psalm, Epistle & Gospel from EHV]
The Apostles’ Creed – Page 19 (front of hymnal)
Hymn – 413
SERMON – James 5:13-20 – FAITH’S PRAYER
Offertory – Offering – Prayers – Lord’s Prayer
Hymn – 411
Closing Prayer & Benediction
Closing Hymn – 28

ALTAR FLOWERS are placed in memory of Robert & Dallys Sprehn by the family.

THANKS! to the “usual suspects” who kindly provided and set up the Christmas tree.

A KIND REMINDER to take note of the signs on the back pews which are reserved for those with small children.

PLEASE NOTE the Christmas season worship schedule on the inside of this bulletin.

TEACHER CALL – As of this writing, we await Miss Megan Lepke’s prayerful decision on the Divine Call we extended to her to teach Grades 1 & 2 in our school. As reported in previous bulletins, with the retirement of Mrs. Beth Schmeling at the end of this school year, our alignment for the classrooms next year (2018-2019 school year) will be: Mrs. Gwen Manke – Pre-school & Kindergarten; a new teacher for Grades 1 & 2; Mr. Eric Duve – Grades 3 & 4; Miss Karen Bauer– Grades 5 & 6; Mr. Richard Bakken – Principal and Grades 7 & 8.

Annual Voters Meeting is Sunday, January 21, 1:00 p.m. Discussions about the eventual construction of a new school building are ongoing. Refinishing of wooden south church doors will be addressed in the spring. Council will fill Christmas bags after second service next Sunday, Dec. 17. We await Miss Lepke’s decision on the Call we extended to her. We continue to keep Mr. Duve’s family in our prayers as his mother struggles with cancer.

CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS BAKE SALE downstairs after both services.
2018 OFFERING ENVELOPES are available downstairs.