On Good Friday, the Christian Church remembers the crucifixion of our Lord Jesus. Although our remembrance is solemn, it is not a message of gloom. It is a message of adoration toward Jesus, the Lamb of God. On this day almost 2,000 years ago, Jesus offered up his life as the atoning sacrifice for the sins of the world.
The Service of Darkness—often called Tenebrae (Latin for “darkness”)—guides us to reflect deeply on Jesus’ sufferings for our sake as well as the great cost of our forgiveness.
On the altar burn seven candles along with the Christ Candle. The candles will be extinguished as the service progresses. At the end of the service, the Christ Candle is removed from the chancel, leaving the sanctuary in tenebrae for silent prayer.
The service is closed by a loud sound, called the strepitus (Latin for “crash” or “loud noise”). The strepitus has been interpreted by worshippers in a number of ways. Some see it as a symbol to remind us of the stone that was rolled in front of Jesus’ tomb to shut it; others see it as a statement of the cataclysmic nature of Christ’s sacrifice; still others view it as foreshadowing the rending of Christ’s tomb at his resurrection on Easter morning.
The Christ Candle, which is still burning, is returned to its place at the end of the service before the congregation departs the church, leaving a symbolic glimmer of gospel hope pointing forward to Easter morning amidst the darkness that necessitated Good Friday.
Please note: The mood of the service is most solemn, encouraging worshipers to reflect deeply upon their own lives in the light of the suffering of our Lord. No closing blessing is pronounced, and the congregation exits the church in silence.
“It was because of our rebellion that he was pierced. He was crushed for the guilt our sins deserved. The punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed” (Isaiah 53:5).
In reverence of the solemn nature of Good Friday, there will be no music prior to the service. Please take this time to privately and silently meditate on the message and meaning of Good Friday.
PREK-8 CHOIR (1:30 pm) The Burial Song
OPENING HYMN (7:00 pm) 425 Go to Dark Gethsemane
HYMN 395 What Grace Is This
SCRIPTURE John 18:1–14 The first candle is extinguished. Silence for meditation.
The congregation sings: 526 What Wondrous Love Is This st. 1
SCRIPTURE John 18:15–27
The second candle is extinguished. Silence for meditation.
The congregation sings: 526 What Wondrous Love Is This st. 2
SCRIPTURE John 18:28–40
The third candle is extinguished. Silence for meditation.
The congregation sings: 526 What Wondrous Love Is This st. 3
SCRIPTURE John 19:1–16
The fourth candle is extinguished. Silence for meditation.
The congregation sings: 526 What Wondrous Love Is This st. 4
SERMONETTE John 19:17–30
The fifth candle is extinguished. Silence for meditation.
The congregation sings: 426 Were You There st. 1
SCRIPTURE John 19:31–37
The sixth candle is extinguished. Silence for meditation.
The congregation sings: 426 Were You There st. 2
SCRIPTURE John 19:38–42
The seventh candle is extinguished. Silence for meditation.
The congregation sings: 426 Were You There st. 3
HYMN 523 How Deep the Father’s Love for Us
Brief silence
CLOSING HYMN 407 When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
The Christ Candle is removed from the chancel, and the lights in the sanctuary are completely darkened, leaving the church in darkness for silent meditation.
A message of hope and a loud noise break the silence.
The Christ Candle is returned to its place and the lights of the sanctuary are softly lit.
Those who desire to do so may remain for silent prayer and meditation. May the Lord bless your meditation and your expectation of Jesus’ victory on Easter morning.
The congregation departs in silence.
The Festival of the Resurrection of Our Lord
Saturday, March 30, 10:00 am
Easter Egg Hunt @ St. Paul’s School
Sunday, March 31,
6:30 & 9:00 am – Easter Worship
7:15 am – Easter Breakfast