'Catechism' Tagged Posts

'Catechism' Tagged Posts


He was born in London in 1725.  His father was a sea captain, trading on the waters of the Mediterranean.  His mother was a devout woman who taught her boy how to read the Bible and memorize Scripture at an early age.   Like St. Paul, he was not illiterate when it came to the Bible.  But memorizing the Catechism is no guarantee that one is laying hold of the grace – or that once having it – a person…


In his classic word on missions in Romans 10, Paul says:  “The word is near you: it is in your mouth and in your heart.” In our neck of the woods you can barely chuck a rock without hitting a church.  You would have to go out of your way to entirely avoid the word of God.   Many do go out of their way to avoid it.  But it is near. After gathering manna from the floor of the wilderness…


Science fiction writer Ray Bradbury wrote a book back in the 50’s called Fahrenheit 451.  The movie by the same name came out in the 60’s. The title presumably has to do with the temperature at which books burn.  Youngsters, tired of school, may make sour jokes about burning books.  But Fahrenheit 451 is no joke.  Evil men such as Hitler did burn books. These people in Bradbury’s novel face a society on the edge of nuclear destruction.  It is…


“I could just kick myself!” Ever said something like that?  Sure you have.  Me too. You spoke or acted before you thought.  You lost your cool.  You succumbed to the same old weakness.  You made a fool of yourself.  Sometimes it’s like you’re standing outside of yourself, watching yourself in slow motion, and you want to holler:  “Stop!”  But this person you’re shouting at just doesn’t listen. In Catechism class we learned to call this problem by a number of…